About this project
What Weather Data Center powers.
Introducing The story behind
I am a software developer with a lot of hobbies, one of them is the weather. So I got my own personal weather station and placed it on a good spot in my backyard.
After a few months with the station gathering data, I was not quite happy about the way I could view and analyze the data. My station supports CSV export or the direct transfer to a 3rd party, e.g. www.wunderground.com. But this was not I was looking for.
What I was looking for, was a simple software to show me my station's data in a modern and nicely visualized way, without the need to submit my data to a 3rd party.
So the idea of this app was born!
The Tech Stack
I was looking for a good use case for a few technologies I wanted to learn, and I felt that this could work within a weather data analyzation tool. The app uses the following technologies:
- Electron
- ReactJS
- Carbon IBM Design System
- nivo for the diagrams
- Jekyll and tailwind.css for this webpage
This project is completely developed during my free time. It were half a year (and a lot of coffee, obliviously) from the idea to the first alpha release. I decided to make this open source and free for all, because I felt this could be something other owners of personal weather stations could find useful.
So if you like and use Weather Data Center and want to see new features or give me a sign of appreciation for creating this, please consider backing me for the work on WDC.
If you are a GitHub user you can sponsor me directly via GitHub.
I am also using PayPal.
And I also know about BTC: 1N32brRvSKse3LCQBechPi3wXG2KCnKuCQ
And I also drink a lot of coffee, so
You can also help me with starring the project on GitHub.
StarFound a bug? Or got an idea for a new feature?
Got a question that is not answered on this page? Or do you have an idea for the project? Please contact us!