Weather Data Center
A cross-platform application to analyze your personal backyard weather
station data.
Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Clear and beautiful UI
A cleaned up, intuitive and beautiful UI to analyze your data.
Diagrams, Tables and automatic calculated events.
Simpy import any source via CSV import.

Need help? Please have a look at the manual.
Your data at a glance.
View detailed reports in a visualized way or filter through
cleaned up data tables.
Every piece of data is accessible, filterable and also beautiful

Climatological days and events
Detailed data visualizations for every supported characteristic. Featuring climatological days and automatic calculation of interesting stats and events.

Found a bug? Or got an idea for a new feature?
Supported characteristics
Everything you can measure.
Wind direction
Wind Speed
Guest Speed
Felt temperature
Dew point temperature
Solar radiation
UV Index
Recent releases
For a full list of all releases, see here.